Resources for Addiction/Substance Abuse - Change your drinking on your own terms with free licensed therapist moderated groups, medication assisted support, individual therapy, and no judgement. Their mission is to break down the barriers and stigmas that surround substance abuse with free, accurate, and valuable information.
Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases. Medical professionals review every fact-based piece of content published to our site.
Educational Resource for treatment facilities and education.
Treating Substance abuse during COVID-19 pandemic.
The article explains step by step what to do at the time of pandemic if you or your loved ones have an addiction.
With overdose deaths and mental health diagnoses continuing to climb every year, it's more important than ever to give people access to free, online, and updated resources.
Access to affordable and affirming healthcare is a worsening problem, but there are some simple and free steps we can take to be a part of the solution.
A record 107,000+ people died of overdoses last year, and People of Color have been disproportionately affected. And with mental health issues and substance use continuing to harm our community in a post-pandemic world, it's expected that more people than ever before will be searching for help. - Change your drinking on your own terms with free licensed therapist moderated groups, medication assisted support, individual therapy, and no judgement. Their mission is to break down the barriers and stigmas that surround substance abuse with free, accurate, and valuable information.
- Up-to-date, accurate, and evidence-based information related to addiction, substance abuse, mental health, and treatment.
- The facilities chosen for their Top 10 lists are put through strict criteria during examination, which you can find on our “How We Choose” page. No facility can submit themselves or pay to be on a list.
- Topics are selected based on research, which tells them what our audience may be looking for, which types of addiction individuals across the nation may be facing, and which types of treatment may be most helpful and effective. Click this link for more information -
Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases. Medical professionals review every fact-based piece of content published to our site.
Educational Resource for treatment facilities and education.
Treating Substance abuse during COVID-19 pandemic.
The article explains step by step what to do at the time of pandemic if you or your loved ones have an addiction.
With overdose deaths and mental health diagnoses continuing to climb every year, it's more important than ever to give people access to free, online, and updated resources.
- Louisville Addiction Center - An extensive resource list curated for BIPOC parents
- Tulip Hill Recovery - Extensive resources for Latinx students and their allies
- Southeast Detox - A guide to help Black women rise and thrive
Access to affordable and affirming healthcare is a worsening problem, but there are some simple and free steps we can take to be a part of the solution.
A record 107,000+ people died of overdoses last year, and People of Color have been disproportionately affected. And with mental health issues and substance use continuing to harm our community in a post-pandemic world, it's expected that more people than ever before will be searching for help.
- Southeast Detox - Extensive mental health and substance use resources including a brand new guide that features over 50 fully-vetted resources for Black women
- Centric Behavioral Health - Substance use and mental health resources for all, including a great guide for LGBTQ Asian Americans
- Southeast Addiction Center - 2023's Top 50 resources for Black men who are struggling with substance use and/or their mental health.
- Empowered Recovery Center - an in-depth guide on how to respond when substance use is affecting your marriage.
- Prevail Recovery Center – An excellent guide full of resources for Black LGBTQ+ people
- Pacific Sands Recovery Center - A guide to recognizing alcohol abuse, and its effect on someone's appearance
- Detox Local - An excellent resource that features abundant information including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.
- The Summit Wellness Group - Recognizing the signs of drug abuse can save a life. This guide offers an abundance of guidance in recognizing and responding to signs of drug abuse.
Over 100,000 Americans have died of a drug overdose during the pandemic, and this created this website with a clear mission - "we want to save lives." Addiction Guide is one of the only educational websites founded by a recovering addict, an addict’s spouse, and a board-certified addiction doctor, Dr. Chris Carberg - Founder -
- Information about the effects of alcohol abuse in detail, including physical, mental, and emotional effects.
- Types of treatment options available.
- Resources for those struggling with alcohol abuse and/or addiction.
A hugely successful actress who saw her personal life and career tested by addiction, Claudia Christian shares her journey of overcoming alcoholism and offers fresh perspectives on alcohol use disorder treatments.
WHAT ALCOHOL DOES TO YOUR BODY, BRAIN & HEALTH - A comprehensive and understandable educational video that explains alcohol and the addictive process
by Dr. Huberman |
Researchers have found close links between eye health and mental health. People with vision impairments often develop mental health problems like anxiety and depression because of the stress of living with their condition. Individuals with mental health issues are also more likely to develop vision issues later in life.
Because so many do not know the correlation between vision and mental health, a free digital resource led by expert ophthalmologists and optometrists was created a guide to better educate individuals on eye health and vision:
Please take a look at: and is a free information web guide advocating for mental health support and understanding it's relationship with substance misuse.
Detox Rehabs - Recovery experts that provide trusted resources and relevant information for individuals and their families struggling with substance abuse. provides expert information for individuals and families struggling to find recovery by vetting and researching rehab centers. Their site makes it easy to find the top five centers in your home state or out of state. They also provide information for different community needs, such as help for our veterans, LGBTQ+ friendly programs, free or Medicaid accepting treatment, and pet-friendly facilities. They recognize the importance of educating yourself during your recovery journey, and so we pride ourselves in providing free educational guides that answer questions such as:
A passionate, genuine treatment option dedicated to getting people on the other side of addiction.
The Body Keeps the Score -
The Body Keeps the Score is the inspiring story of how a group of therapists and scientists— together with their courageous and memorable patients—has struggled to integrate recent advances in brain science, attachment research, and body awareness into treatments that can free trauma survivors from the tyranny of the past. These new paths to recovery activate the brain’s natural neuroplasticity to rewire disturbed functioning and rebuild step by step the ability to “know what you know and feel what you feel.” They also offer experiences that directly counteract the helplessness and invisibility associated with trauma, enabling both adults and children to reclaim ownership of their bodies and their lives. Addiction Guide is one of the only educational websites founded by a recovering addict, an addict’s spouse, and a board-certified addiction doctor. - Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) have a 13 times higher risk for suicide than those without OUD. To spread awareness we at bicycle health recently published an educational guide on suicide and OUD, high-risk populations, causes, prevention, what to do if a loved one is showing signs of being at risk of self-harm or suicide, and more.
Please take a look:
Increased social support can help to minimize the risk for both opioid misuse and suicide.
American Addiction Centers is a National Leader in Addiction Recovery Treatment and is an excellent resource for anyone searching for the right addiction treatment options and facilities for themselves or their loved ones.
Excellent resource with a drug/Alcohol assessment and resources -
Drug Rehab Connections is a purely information website geared to provide free information, support and resources to those battling addiction as well as family/friends looking to learn more about addiction.
If you're looking for Rehab Facilities that Offer PTSD and Addiction Treatment near you (in Florida), browsing would be a great start. - Educational information to increase understanding of addiction- something that affects so many. Also a valuable resource about different types of addictions, expert articles and resource guides on topics like Surviving Sexual Assault, Dual Diagnosis: PTSD And Substance Abuse, Addiction And Domestic Violence.
Searching for dual diagnosis treatment centers near where you live becomes so much easier with
Recovery Village - The Recovery Village is a network of rehabilitation facilities that offers comprehensive treatment for substance abuse disorders as well as co-occurring mental health conditions.
Also an excellent resource for treatment of P.T.S.D. -
Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment?
Solara Mental Health is we’re passionate about supporting veterans who have selflessly served our country so they have created a resource page to educate people on the statistics, signs, and symptoms, how to manage and treat symptoms of PTSD, which you can see here:
What Is Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehab?
Self help options for Alcohol Use Disorder - (AUD) - Change your drinking on your own terms with free licensed therapist moderated groups, medication assisted support, individual therapy, and no judgement.
This Naked Mind - Annie Grace - Excellent resource to understand AUD -
Tools for understand and coping with anxiety -
The Power of Habit -
Quit Like A Woman -
One Little Pill - Helps explain the medication called Naltrexone to overcome Alcohol Addiction -
The neurochemical nature of addiction - Medical Article -
Understanding Post Acute Withdrawel Syndrome - PAWS -
Allen Cars - Easy Way to COntrol Alcohol -
Atomic Habits - ttps://
Helpful App to help regain your family's trust in Recovery -
Ted Talk -
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - P.T.S.D.
E Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 866-948-7880
PTSD Resource Page - Helpful information about those who have suffered trauma and could also be struggling with addiction.
About 70 percent of adults report experiencing some type of traumatic event. Long-term effects are unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and a much greater risk of substance abuse. With this in mind, Window Recovery created an article on the connection between trauma and substance abuse to educate and support anyone who may be struggling.
PTSD and Car Accidents -
This debilitating mental injury often goes untreated because many car accident victims are unaware that they have post-traumatic stress disorder. One study showed that nearly half of all car accident victims experience PTSD. In the United States, 4.4 million people sustain injuries in car accidents serious enough to warrant hospitalization. This means as many as two million Americans experience PTSD from car accidents.
Other helpful articles and resources:
Acera Health
The Connection between OCD and anxiety -
Depression Self Test - - Depression Self test -
Shahida's Place
Warning signs of Drug Abuse in a partner -
Clear Care Center
Pregnancy and Depression -
Enhance Health Group
The effect of the pandemic on adolescents - mental health
The connection between depression and eating disorders -
Everlast Recovery
Alcoholism and Social Anxiety Quiz -
Williamsburg Therapy Group
Diabetes and Mental Health -
Inland Empire TMS
FirstLight Recovery
For this list below, these are our additional sister sites that offer a wide variety of resources. I don't want to include each resource individually because the list would be too long. Each website has a 'Resources' tab you can go to and view all our resources:
D'Amore Mental Health
New Method Wellness
Because so many do not know the correlation between vision and mental health, a free digital resource led by expert ophthalmologists and optometrists was created a guide to better educate individuals on eye health and vision:
Please take a look at: and is a free information web guide advocating for mental health support and understanding it's relationship with substance misuse.
Detox Rehabs - Recovery experts that provide trusted resources and relevant information for individuals and their families struggling with substance abuse. provides expert information for individuals and families struggling to find recovery by vetting and researching rehab centers. Their site makes it easy to find the top five centers in your home state or out of state. They also provide information for different community needs, such as help for our veterans, LGBTQ+ friendly programs, free or Medicaid accepting treatment, and pet-friendly facilities. They recognize the importance of educating yourself during your recovery journey, and so we pride ourselves in providing free educational guides that answer questions such as:
- Can Marijuana Treat Postnatal Depression?
- Telltale Symptoms of Children Using Drugs
- How to Identify the Early Signs of Mental Health Issues
A passionate, genuine treatment option dedicated to getting people on the other side of addiction.
The Body Keeps the Score -
The Body Keeps the Score is the inspiring story of how a group of therapists and scientists— together with their courageous and memorable patients—has struggled to integrate recent advances in brain science, attachment research, and body awareness into treatments that can free trauma survivors from the tyranny of the past. These new paths to recovery activate the brain’s natural neuroplasticity to rewire disturbed functioning and rebuild step by step the ability to “know what you know and feel what you feel.” They also offer experiences that directly counteract the helplessness and invisibility associated with trauma, enabling both adults and children to reclaim ownership of their bodies and their lives. Addiction Guide is one of the only educational websites founded by a recovering addict, an addict’s spouse, and a board-certified addiction doctor. - Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) have a 13 times higher risk for suicide than those without OUD. To spread awareness we at bicycle health recently published an educational guide on suicide and OUD, high-risk populations, causes, prevention, what to do if a loved one is showing signs of being at risk of self-harm or suicide, and more.
Please take a look:
Increased social support can help to minimize the risk for both opioid misuse and suicide.
American Addiction Centers is a National Leader in Addiction Recovery Treatment and is an excellent resource for anyone searching for the right addiction treatment options and facilities for themselves or their loved ones.
Excellent resource with a drug/Alcohol assessment and resources -
Drug Rehab Connections is a purely information website geared to provide free information, support and resources to those battling addiction as well as family/friends looking to learn more about addiction.
If you're looking for Rehab Facilities that Offer PTSD and Addiction Treatment near you (in Florida), browsing would be a great start. - Educational information to increase understanding of addiction- something that affects so many. Also a valuable resource about different types of addictions, expert articles and resource guides on topics like Surviving Sexual Assault, Dual Diagnosis: PTSD And Substance Abuse, Addiction And Domestic Violence.
Searching for dual diagnosis treatment centers near where you live becomes so much easier with
Recovery Village - The Recovery Village is a network of rehabilitation facilities that offers comprehensive treatment for substance abuse disorders as well as co-occurring mental health conditions.
Also an excellent resource for treatment of P.T.S.D. -
Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment?
Solara Mental Health is we’re passionate about supporting veterans who have selflessly served our country so they have created a resource page to educate people on the statistics, signs, and symptoms, how to manage and treat symptoms of PTSD, which you can see here:
What Is Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehab?
Self help options for Alcohol Use Disorder - (AUD) - Change your drinking on your own terms with free licensed therapist moderated groups, medication assisted support, individual therapy, and no judgement.
This Naked Mind - Annie Grace - Excellent resource to understand AUD -
Tools for understand and coping with anxiety -
The Power of Habit -
Quit Like A Woman -
One Little Pill - Helps explain the medication called Naltrexone to overcome Alcohol Addiction -
The neurochemical nature of addiction - Medical Article -
Understanding Post Acute Withdrawel Syndrome - PAWS -
Allen Cars - Easy Way to COntrol Alcohol -
Atomic Habits - ttps://
Helpful App to help regain your family's trust in Recovery -
Ted Talk -
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - P.T.S.D.
E Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 866-948-7880
PTSD Resource Page - Helpful information about those who have suffered trauma and could also be struggling with addiction.
About 70 percent of adults report experiencing some type of traumatic event. Long-term effects are unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and a much greater risk of substance abuse. With this in mind, Window Recovery created an article on the connection between trauma and substance abuse to educate and support anyone who may be struggling.
PTSD and Car Accidents -
This debilitating mental injury often goes untreated because many car accident victims are unaware that they have post-traumatic stress disorder. One study showed that nearly half of all car accident victims experience PTSD. In the United States, 4.4 million people sustain injuries in car accidents serious enough to warrant hospitalization. This means as many as two million Americans experience PTSD from car accidents.
Other helpful articles and resources:
Acera Health
The Connection between OCD and anxiety -
Depression Self Test - - Depression Self test -
Shahida's Place
Warning signs of Drug Abuse in a partner -
Clear Care Center
Pregnancy and Depression -
Enhance Health Group
The effect of the pandemic on adolescents - mental health
The connection between depression and eating disorders -
Everlast Recovery
Alcoholism and Social Anxiety Quiz -
Williamsburg Therapy Group
Diabetes and Mental Health -
Inland Empire TMS
FirstLight Recovery
For this list below, these are our additional sister sites that offer a wide variety of resources. I don't want to include each resource individually because the list would be too long. Each website has a 'Resources' tab you can go to and view all our resources:
D'Amore Mental Health
New Method Wellness